Career counselling refers to counselling provided by career counsellors who help individuals choose an appropriate career based on their interests, skills and abilities.
Career Guidance & Career Counselling in India
The importance of career guidance and career counselling has increased significantly in recent times. Parents and students are more concerned about career choices due to stressful lifestyles and unsuccessful careers. Now, students are more inclined towards making a career where they are passionate, and the most reliable way to understand career choices is career counselling.
Career counselling can be defined as a never-ending process. Going throughout life, the process lets you decide the best career option without any age barrier. Whether it is a student who just completed higher studies or an employee working somewhere you no longer want to work, career counselling is for everyone that needs to know their calling. However, it is most effective for students that want to decide on a dedicated and successful career path. Career counselling in India helps students to find their right career path by examining their core competencies.
If you think passing exams is the only difficult thing in a student’s life, then you haven’t asked them about their career yet. Deciding on the right career path has become a barrier for them. Teens are most of the time surrounded by questions like- what stream are you going to take after 10th, what do you want to be in the future, or what’s your dream job? These are some of the questions that increase the pressure on a student. Many times, career suggestions from others take the place of an individual’s real interest. These are critical aspects for a student that we forget to watch.
Benefits of Career Guidance and Career Counselling in India
1. Helps to choose a right career
Counsellors assess their aptitude, personality, interests, and other aspects and evaluate to get a suggestion of best career options from all the available and relevant options.
2. Helps to provide expert resources
Career Guidance & Counselling provides access to the resources and knowledge that a career expert possesses. This knowledge of careers, their scope and the paths to pursue them are most important from the point of view of a parent and child since most of the time, parents or guardians do not have that kind of knowledge.
3. Helps Gain Confidence and Insight
Career Guidance and Counselling helps a counselee understand the hurdles in his/her career path. This knowledge helps to develop the confidence to overcome these hurdles.
4. Career Mapping
Mapping out a career route helps the counselee to keep abreast of the development and changes related to one’s career field.
Career guidance and counselling help to choose the right career that translates into professional success. Job satisfaction plays an important role in ensuring professional success, good productivity and superior quality of life.
The next step is to look out for an organization or individual who provides the best career guidance and counselling in India. The moment you Google it, you get 12.4 Million results in 0.55 seconds for career guidance and counselling. Choosing the best career counsellor can be quite tricky; after all, the selection is a matter of your life. The direction you choose to move today will decide your destination tomorrow. So, narrowing down on a career counsellor should be diligently done.
A few Important Points to be Taken into Remuneration When Looking for the Career Counselling and Guidance in India
1. Unbiased Guidance
Career guidance and counselling is a business after all! People are offering free Career Guidance & Counselling in India, who will ultimately earn via referrals through admissions in various colleges. Needless to mention, such counsellors end up recommending courses in their coaching institute or Colleges/Universities in India and abroad from where they earn referral benefits. A right career counsellor is one, who provides an unbiased approach.
2. Practical Knowledge & Understanding
There always exists a difference between theoretical google based information and practical knowledge/experience. A lot of factors are involved in experiential knowledge – it’s not just the age, but diversified interactions and intent to learn within that age. Educational Qualification of the team, collective team experience, their level of aptitude, ability to connect, empathize and foresee everything matters.
3. Reviews and Ratings
What people say and recommend is more imperative than what an individual or organization boasts of self. These days, it is very easy to portray a rosy image on social media, but ensure that the ratings and upvotes are genuinely specified by real-time customers and not by the employees within the organization. Compared to other social media, Google reviews are more reliable as they are unbiased and can’t be increased by paid promotions.
4. Career Assessment
Career assessment is an essential aspect in determining a career. Career counsellors use numerous types of assessments to assist individuals in determining their career paths. We must concede with the fact that this assessment forms an imperative foundation for determining the career path. Hence the reliability of the assessment being taken is very important. The career assessment is used to understand the strengths and weaknesses of an individual and accordingly map the career with their accurate strengths. So, it should not be the case that the results of the assessment considered fluctuating with time. After all, we have to spend our life pursuing a particular career path. If we move in the direction which keeps on changing with time, we can’t hit the accurate goals in life. In case you choose a questionnaire-based assessment, you should choose multiple assessments to ensure that results are reliable. Also, there are scientific brain mapping techniques available for best career guidance and counselling which are more reliable (more than 95% accurate) and must be explored.
5. Industry Expert
Once you narrow down your search under different, if you get a career option golden opportunity of talking with industry experts from the respective field it can serve as icing on the cake. Industry experts share real-time experiences of the work profile to which you are expected to devote your entire life. So, try to choose a team of the best career counsellors who can connect you with industry experts.
What Makes Allude Brainco the Best Career Counselling Organization in India?
A comprehensive 5-dimensional Assessments include Multiple Inborn and Acquired Intelligence Assessments, approved by Psychologists and offer more than 95% accuracy. This is backed by empathy levels of our best career counsellor who conduct 1-on-1 Best Career Guidance & Counselling session.
A career counsellor is a person trained to give guidance on career-related problems. Career Guidance and counselling is a profession in which we guide students and professionals in adjusting to new environments, new peers’ groups, ethics, and values. career counselling India
A. Activities of Career Counsellor during Career Guidance & Career Counselling:
1. Eplore feelings and personal resources
2. Planning for problem-solving
3. Help Counselee to implement the most appropriate action
4. Follow-Up
B. The main responsibility of a Career Counsellor always remains to meet the clients' needs as much as possible. While making relationships with the counselee, the goals of our Best Career Counsellors are to:
1. Establish a comfortable and positive relationship
2. Explain the counselling process and mutual responsibilities to the counselee
3. Facilitate communication
4. Identify and verify the counselee’s concern that brought to the counsellor
5. Plan with the counselee to obtain assessment data needed to proceed with the career counselling process
Helping in Choosing the Right Career
Unless you discuss your career path with an expert career counsellor, you’d presumably fall under those vicious traps and choose courses that don’t fit your academic and private interests.
1. Career Counsellor helps you in choosing a Right Career at the proper Time
Every student’s journey towards a proper career is extremely critical. Whether it’s choosing the proper subjects in school 11th and 12th, shortlisting the proper college or university, information about exams or the proper book to read and more, every step is vital. Just as the first button of the shirt should be put in the right hole, to make sure that each other button also falls in the correct holes, the primary step towards career should be correct as there’s no possibility of reverse gear in life. A career counsellor has immense knowledge and skills in various aspects of education and life. Right from knowing the A-Z of K-12 industry to understanding every individual’s behavioural psychology to knowledge about various industries, a bit like the typical salary of varied fields, admission requirements by colleges in India and abroad, etc.
Well, if the role of the Best Career Counsellor was to be described in today’s digital language, it might be almost like Google Maps. a bit like google maps show us the proper path or proper directions sort of a roadmap to our desired destination, the Best Career Counsellor guides a student towards the proper career path to assist them to achieve their career goals.
2. Career Counsellors advice can assist you to avoid Unemployment or Underemployment
Here’s a classic scenario. Once upon a time, an individual that held a Master in Business Administration (MBA) was welcome to hitch any large corporate in India. In today’s scenario, 93 percent of MBA graduates haven’t any employment or sign-up for jobs, which don’t pay well. The reason is clear. These students opted for an MBA course without career Guidance & counselling and planning with a career counsellor. Instead, they appear to have pursued an MBA for a fake ‘prestige’ the degree holds. Hence, they did an MBA from substandard colleges and couldn’t acquire skills one would expect from the degree holder.
The same holds for engineers. About 80 percent of engineering graduates don’t have jobs because they don’t have proper skills. And neither is there such a high demand for engineers within the job market to justify over 1,000,000 engineering graduates per annum. Best career guidance & counselling sets a roadmap for you to settle on the right set of skill-set, certifications, programs, etc., and helps to beat the matter of underemployment and unemployment.
3. Career Counsellor provides you with Job hunting techniques
A career counsellor can assist you with job-hunting strategy, by providing recommendations on enhancing your resume and by enlightening you once you are undergoing job stress. Career Counsellors will improve your interpersonal skills to help you more easily resolve personal conflicts which will arise at the workplace. Career Counsellor knows the newest training and courses available for each field and should recommend that you simply enroll for what’s best for you. This will provide the required boost to your career.
4. Career Counsellor guides you in making a Career Roadmap
1. Career Counsellor helps individuals in building career and academic paths for the brilliant way forward for the people. The simplest career counsellor will eventually help a student in evaluating the interests, abilities, the way to overcome challenges, obstacles and in grooming the vital skills.
2. Career counsellors guide individuals in defining their skills, interests by employing techniques like efficient planning, interviews and aptitude assessments.
3. Career Guidance and Counselling enhances the soft and hard skills of the people and helps them to become individual learners.
4. Career Counsellor helps people in overcoming challenges that might successively undermine their success and academic growth.
5. Career Guidance and Counselling help in building a roadmap for the individuals which can help them in reaching their career objectives.
It’s high time we realize the importance of career counselling for overall development as a professional, as a student, and eventually, as a responsible citizen contributing to the nation as well. Career counselling is a way a student can get expert guidance in career-making. It is a process that will help an individual to become self-aware about his interest and abilities, various career prospects.
Consider these two situations, one in which you decide to either buy or to place an order by taking someone’s advice and a situation in which you have to decide everything all by yourself. Now, be honest and tell me, where will you be more comfortable or satisfied? We always look for suggestions and advice for almost everything in our lives- be it what to eat, what to wear to a party, which place to visit, and sometimes we even discuss whom to vote… then why is it that we do not seek help when we have to make such an important decision of our lives- Career Planning? There is no doubt that your career will remain important for 30-40 years of your life.
If you are enjoying what you are doing right now in your life, be it studying or working, know your calling, then it is advised to use the career guidance to set and achieve the desired goals and be prepared for future challenges. And, those of you who are still struggling and often these questions to yourself-“What am I doing in life?”, “Do I have to work like this?”, “Why am I not happy despite being getting the highest pay in my friend circle?”, “Should I be just upfront and talk to my parents about my abilities?”, then it’s time to seek answers.
Now, let’s go back to the step where we most of the time make the mistake, which is how do we decide to choose a particular career. And, it is all dependent on which stream, what subjects, what college, what course, what job, which sector of industry and so on. Parents Influence, Peer Influence, Academic excellence, Media hype and fluctuating Interests are some of the traditional ways of deciding our careers. The sad part is that a very less amount of people makes it to their perfect career but larger amounts face problems like- Ignorance of career, Wrong stream, job dissatisfaction.
What’s the solution? It’s simple, career counselling. Consider this, whenever you are trying to learn something new, for instance, riding a bicycle, would it not be easier to do it with someone guiding you rather than you learning to do everything all by yourself?
Impotance of Career Counselling
We aren’t blessed with everything, every knowledge or every skill. So, each one of us requires guidance at some point in our life, at personal and professional levels.
Career Counselling provides the student with constructive help and can be helpful in multiple ways. here are the top 5 ways career counselling assists students and parents:
1. Reaching to your Final Destination: Based on extensive assessment done by Career Counsellors, you get a much clearer picture of the decisions you are making while selecting a particular career. Counsellors assess your personality, interests, and aptitude. They also see whether you have passion for that profession or not and based on the assessment, they provide you with a whole range of careers that will guarantee you success.
2. Access to the rich career repository: It is important to know what you want to become in life. Counselling provides access to a rich repository of various resources and knowledge. One must know in-depth knowledge about a career, steps to pursue them, their job outlook, best colleges, details of the courses to be enrolled in, and skillsets required.
3. Relief from Career Related Anxiety: I very well understand that selecting a career can become a tedious task for both parents and children. Such situations create a lot of havoc of emotions and thoughts leading to frustration and stress. Career Counselling provides a platform where such frustrations can be tackled, and focus is shifted to selecting the best career options.
4. Get to know straight from your Role-Model: It is always good to know about a particular career from someone who has had a good rich experience in the same field. Career Counselling helps students to know these people who have enough life experiences to share. This provides some inspiration to students looking to find their way in this world.
5. Helps Remove the Confusion: Career Counsellors can also help you remain calm when it comes to making a career decision. Counselling helps you to focus, and sustain that focus throughout your activities. Through proper scheduling and planning, they try to make your life more organized.
So now you must have realized the importance of career counselling – while you make that career choice, make sure it is the right one.
Role of Parents
Career Planning: To ensure that your child is set up for a future successful career, financial security and excellent quality of life is a challenge for every parent. As a parent, even if your child would not like to admit it, I will look for your advice and guidance.
Parents have a very crucial role to play in the decision-making of the career path your children choose to pursue; but how involved should the parent be in this decision-making process? Should a parent adopt a hands-on role? At this time what is the best advice you can give your child?
Parents have adopted beliefs about success, the way to achieve success, and what constitutes a ‘good job’ or ‘ideal life’. Anything we feedback to our child is predicated on these beliefs and our own experiences. Many folks make the error of trying to shield our child from the mistakes that we made – whether knowingly or unknowingly. While we can guide them away from some of the pitfalls we encountered, they’ll inevitably make mistakes and hiccups along the journey – but these hiccups are vital for their personal growth.
The best thing you can give is a mature and sensible mindset, giving your children the tools to form their own informed decisions.
How you can influence your child:
1. Having a strong, mature parent-child relationship
2. Set a good example (socially, personally and professionally) for your child
3. The attitudes, views, and values you adopt and express
4. The expectations you set for your children’s education, career, and life
5. The opportunities you provide for your children to learn and develop.
In terms of career choice, you should:
1. Aid, but not dictate, the decision-making process 2. Support your child’s decisions 3. Give your children freedom and time to discover their skills 4. Motivate to develop and achieve 5. Encourage to pursue interests and ambitions 6. Try to give a responsible attitude and a mature outlook 7. Giving an attitude of self-belief by being positive and never critical - as a parent, your words will have the biggest effect on your child.
What Should You Bear in Mind When Helping Your Child With Career Planing?
The decisions we make in our youth can impact our career path. If parents pressurize this decision, the child may end up following a career that, deep down, they aren’t interested in. At the same time, without practical guidance and support when pursuing education, poor choices can be made. It is always better to do career planning.
Every child has a unique set of skills and aptitudes. Each child is individual in their way, they may possess different skills and abilities from their parents. With this in mind, adopting a similar career role to either parent may not be the right course of action.
We all take the time to find the right career. Parents often say things like “pick a course you think you’ll like”. Though it may seem they’re doing the right thing in terms of steering their children in the right direction, parents also need to understand that we all need space and time to discover what we truly want to pursue. University, for example, isn’t for everyone – and engaging in relevant work experience and/or undertaking an apprenticeship can be just as valuable in finding a suitable vocation in which you can thrive.
The trick here is to educate children that life is about self-discovery and new skills and talents are developed. How many of us are in careers we thought we would be in when we were 18? We can only make decisions based on what we know about ourselves at the time, take the pressure off of them by letting them know it’s okay that they aren’t sure what they want to do yet but the important thing is to be proactive in finding their way.
If you have ever thought about your identity, or what defines someone- one’s career is one of the aspects that comes into the mind. It is no secret that a career is one of the most important dimensions of a person’s life. With several people working every day toward their career choices- the world is constantly seeking the best professionals. Hence, it is of no doubt that career counselling is a necessity for everyone- irrespective of their age and background.
The Top 5 Basic of Career Counselling:
WHICH: Which career path is the best for me? Which options to choose from?
A career counselling session helps one to choose and explore the career options which is the best for them. One must pursue a career where their strengths are amplified and the expectations are met otherwise it leads to unfulfilled professional potential.
WHAT: What are the courses I have to take? What are activities I can take up?
A student needs to meet some academic requirements to qualify for a specific career. The educational decisions like board selection, stream selection and subject selection are crucial and define a career path one needs to tread- opening some doors if done right.
HOW: How do I develop skills to compete? How do I improve?
Whether it is a professional skill one needs to study or a soft skill to develop- learning and continuous up-gradation of subject knowledge and continuous personal growth help one to mark and maintain a lead in the choice field- specifically in this competitive world.
WHEN: When should I start preparing for the exam? When to apply for an internship?
Considering that each person is unique, everyone builds their profile differently. An in-depth session with a career guide helps one to be more future-oriented and prepared for any challenges one need to face. This ensures that one gran all opportunities at the right time.
WHY: Why am I not succeeding in one subject? Why am I feeling so demotivated?
Obstacles always show up when one least expects them. Though cannot be avoided as they are stepping stones to success, one can always make the best of these situations by learning about what is holding them back and convert them into a learning and growing experience.
Hence, the importance of career counselling continues to rise as it helps in laying out a complete map for one’s professional life.